You just received a certified letter from a lawyer or law firm and inside you find that your spouse is suing you for divorce and/or custody of your children and wants equitable division of your assets. Maybe it is that you have realized that your relationship with your spouse is not what it used to be or there are issues or problems that you no longer can tolerate. Perhaps you and your spouse are unable to start a family and have decided to adopt a child. What do you do? Call our law firm and we can help. Family law encompasses more that just divorce. In our society today, there is no longer the requirement or expectation that people be married in order to have or start a family and have a child. Regardless of your marital status, issues arise regarding your child or children and you need answers to your questions to determine what your rights are. Family members, co-workers and individuals at work, friends and relatives all seem to have answers–but they are not always the same. Why? Every person’s situation is unique. Maybe you are looking at getting married to the love of your life and have questions and concerns about family matters and asset preservation. Do you need a pre-nuptial agreement to preserve your assets? Call and make an appointment so we can guide you in the right direction. The Law Firm of Mikesell & Mikesell has over fifty (50) years of experience dealing with all issues regarding family law.
Children are God’s gift to us. They are our pride and joy. When relationships fail, they become one of the most sought-out assets in a divorce and/or custody action. In today’s society, it is no longer a given that the parents of children are married; nevertheless, when children are involved, a breakup of a relationship of the parents means they have to work out the dynamics of custody and visitation. The Law Firm of Mikesell & Mikesell is here to advise you on how to proceed in either the filing of a custody action (with or without a divorce complaint) and assist you in filing the necessary legal documents to preserve your rights as they pertain to your child or children. We are here to assist you and advise you in how to manage a custody action in a way that is in your best interest. There are several steps to a custody action and the manner and length of the proceeding can be different for each client. Initially, a complaint would have to be filed. The next step would be to hold a Custody Conference with the Court. Assuming a resolution cannot be reached, a Mediation Conference would follow. Again, assuming a resolution is not reached, a full trial before the Court would follow. A resolution between the parties can be reached at any stage along the way. The Law Firm of Mikesell & Mikesell is here to help and assist you in this regard. Our firm is willing to sit down with you and discuss all of the issues involved and attempt to work out the best resolution for you possible. Please call and set up an appointment.
Where a couple is not blessed with biological children or where one party has children and a current spouse wishes to adopt the same, our firm can assist you in the filing of Court documents necessary to complete the adoption. The Law Firm of Mikesell & Mikesell is here to help and assist you in this special time. Our firm is willing to sit down with you and discuss all of the issues involved and represent you before the Court in completing the adoption process. Please call and set up an appointment.
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