Every person should have a Last Will and Testament! If you would pass from this life without a Last Will and Testament setting forth your wishes and desires, you may leave your spouse, children, grandchildren and/or family relatives and friends with the task of settling your estate on terms set by statute in Pennsylvania. These may or may not be your wishes or desires; moreover, it may cost the person who is ultimately qualified to handle your estate additional money–in the way of posting a bond equal to the value of your estate. This bond must be issued by a bondsman and the cost of the same is non-refundable. The most important task assigned in a Last Will and Testament is the appointment of an Executor to handle your affairs upon your death. Choosing the wrong person, or allowing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to decide who has the superior right to be appointed as an Administrator, may cause more harm than good with family members and relationships. The office of Executor is extremely important. A person capable of handling those duties and responsibilities should be chosen by you not the state. The Executor or Administrator of your estate will be the person or individual who is responsible for carrying out your final wishes. Certainly, you will want to decide who receives what from your estate. Your wishes will be discussed and translated into a Last Will and Testament document that meets with your plan for distribution of your assets–not the plan of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Our firm would prefer to call this your “Advanced Medical Directives” rather than a Living Will because of the nature of the document itself. This is another document that every person, young and old, should have in place in safe keeping. Should something happen to you such that you are unable to communicate your wishes to the court or your treating doctor(s) or physicians (and they may not be your family or regular doctor) and your life is “literally” on the line, you need a Living Will in place to give guidance and direction as to what your wishes are. Signing a Living Will does not mean that the EMS personnel are going to let you die, it means under certain circumstances that are specified in the document, that life support can be withheld. You have the ultimate say, but if you don’t tell us what that is in a certain manner (Living Will) then your wishes may or may not be carried out. Know your rights beforehand. This document is a necessary tool in your estate planning overall; however, knowing when to use them and how to use them is the key. Don’t go it alone. Our firm has been handling matters of this type for clients for over fifty (50) years. Your life is too important; your wishes for the end of life need to be properly administered. Call and make and appointment today.
Whether you are looking into the complicated world of establishing a Trust for you and your family or are serving as a Trustee, our firm is here to assist you in answering all of your questions and concerns. Every person and families situation is unique. A trust may be the perfect answer to your specific needs. Call us to set up an appointment to have a person to person talk with an attorney regarding these matters.
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